Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Around The Grange
Mar News from Taghhannuck Grange No. 100

By Barbara Prindle

  MARCH 4, 2025 --

Mar. 4: Making up “Seed Kits” by ALL Note: 4:30PM

Mar. 13: Line Dancing by Barbara Prindle Ref: Jill Drew

Apr. 10: Spring Cleaning In & Out by ALL NOTE: 6PM Ref: Chris Hopkins

May 3: Grange Dance 7pm-9pm NOTE: No experience needed as all dances are taught.

May 8: Fishing by Mike Taylor Ref: Barbara Prindle

June 7 & June 8: Plant & Rummage Sale 9AM-3 PM

Note: Refreshments & Social time at 7PM with meeting at 7:30 unless otherwise noted.

We were happy to have Debbie Vail, State Grange Deputy along with Steve visit our Grange Hall at our February meeting. Debbie said we passed inspection with flying colors. As is usual with visitors from another Grange we asked them to fill an empty station. Debbie was LAS with Steve was in the AS station. We also encouraged them to participate in the meeting and in the Lecturer’s program. By doing this the “energy” is raised in the room and makes the meeting more enjoyable and fun.

We voted on the proposal for membership of Lynn Cline who had been a member a long time ago and has been helping out these past few years with our Plant & Rummage sales and she will be obligated at our next meeting in March.

One of the things we will be doing this year is collecting G notes. So far, they seem to be sparce, although a member suggested taking (she actually said $100) to the bank and asking for singles. We need to be closer to Chicago where they are printed. We are also continuing in a partnership with the Roving Clover Book Bus. We will collect books that are given out free to kids, at events in the Northwest Corner. This encourages reading and education as it is one of the goals in the Grange.  Also, we are establishing a committee to help develop a community outreach program/project “Roots So Deep”. This is a 10-year study of grazing patterns and methods. There will be a movie in July with a speaker at our Grange Hall. We continue with our 19th year of The Dictionary Project.     This means we assembled 51 dictionaries, each to include a letter about what the Grange is and why we do this each year. The letter goes home with each student along with their dictionary. They were boxed up for delivery to the 3rd graders in the elementary schools in Sharon, Warren, Kent and Cornwall. We look forward to seeing you at one of our dances and/or at our other events. Let me know if you have any questions or need more information about anything we are doing.



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