MARCH 11, 2025 -- Mar. 14: Ritual Program
Mar. 28: Lecturer’s State Contest Program
At our one meeting in January we learned a lot about Hawaii. The program was titled “Hawaiian Rebellions”, and there were actually a few skirmishes there in the 1800s, but mostly we learned about the islands, their volcanoes (one of which is active but still completely submerged and will become a new island or add to a present one when it emerges above the sea), their language and customs. Members who read excerpts from the program found the Hawaiian language a bit challenging. There was actually no written language there until the early 1800s when a lady missionary invented one. Sue handed out sheets explaining the original language, symbols and common Hawaiian words to take home and study. (Hope there won’t be a test next meeting!) She also gave us a Hawaiian word search. We were each presented with a lovely lei and Sue explained its meaning. Refreshments were served upstairs after the meeting as the furnace was acting up (again) but our mini-splits were working beautifully.
We are excited to report that we will be welcoming four new members in February and we have merged with Preston City Grange #110. Our hall continues to be used for fundraising dinners by local non- profit organizations. In August we will again welcome the New London County 4H Fair to our grounds and in September, the town wide yard sale will be moving here. And if that coyote we saw wandering by the other day will just keep his diet on the wild side, next time I’ll tell you all about fabulous February.