FEBRUARY 6, 2025 -- Feb. 9: Roses is the theme by Fred Fairchild
Cheryl and Ray reported that they had a good time at the CT State Session. Bethlehem won 1st Community Service Award, CWA Activities Award, and Lecturer’s Appreciation Award.
A good turnout of 15 friends and associates attended our Christmas dinner at a local restaurant.
The theme of January’s lecturer’s program was “Pine trees” which was presented by Cheryl and Ray. We were amazed to see a real live pinecone that was 12 inches long.
We received thank you notes from Bethlehem’s third graders for the gift of dictionaries.
Grangers: Any ideas to help our Grange acquire items to exhibit at the One hundred Year Birthday Celebration of the Bethlehem Fair, would be appreciated. Although it evolved to be the town of Bethlehem’s Fair, our Grange founded it in 1925.