FEBRUARY 10, 2025 -- Feb. 1: Grange Square & Contra Dance by Dance Committee with Ref. by All. Note: 7-9PM. All dances are taught, and all ages are welcome.
Feb.13: Dictionary Project by All with Ref. by Ruth Schnell
Mar. 13: Line Dancing by Barbara Prindle with Ref. by Jill Drew
Apr. 10: Spring Cleaning In & Out by All with Ref. by Chris Hopkins
NOTE: Refreshments & Social time at 7PM with meeting at 7:30PM We were very happy to have Ted Powell, the State Grange Overseer, visit us at our January meeting. He drove over two hours, and he had to stop for a bear in the road on his way here. As is our custom we put him in a vacant station, Assistant Steward in this case. Ted brought us a National Grange plaque that will be engraved with our name, number and starting date. When it sounded like the outside front door may have blown open again, Ted reminded us of the money available every two years from the State Grange for repairs inthe Hall. This is much appreciated.
Bill Dinneen’s presentation/program was Wreaths Across America. He gave a short history of the program that started in 2007 and related his experience this year when he participated at the New Milford cemetery. He was amazed by the number of people and kids that were there and how well planned it was to lay the wreaths.
We are looking forward to warmer weather and longer days.