FEBRUARY 6, 2025 -- Feb. 9: 2 p.m.: The Art of Storytelling: Sharing Grange and Community Histories
Mar. 9: 2 p.m.: Local Heroes Recognizing and Celebrating Community Champions
March 29: Grange Contra and Square dance, refreshments, all dances taught, all ages welcome. 7-9 p.m.
Please note meetings are held at 2 p.m. with refreshments afterwards We welcomed in 3 new members
to our Grange.
Our January 12th meeting was the actual 150th anniversary of the founding of Granby Grange, to the day. We are grateful to the founding members, including Harvey Goddard, our first President as well as the first State Grange President.
At our January meeting we set the date for our 3rd annual (rubber) duck race and spring flower sale for May 10th at the Salmon Brook Park. We also voted to hold a contra/square/ line dance on March 29th where everyone is welcome to dance to Jim Gregory’s fantastic calling. No experience necessary. A fun way to end the cold winter months and get ready to welcome spring.
We decided to hold our Ag Fair the same day as the Granby Open Farm Day on September 13th this year.
We are still meeting at our hall for the winter months and everyone is welcome to our handicapped accessible hall.