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Public Relations News
Public Relations News: New Contest for 2025

By Terri Fassio, Public Relations Co-Director

  DECEMBER 3, 2024 --

The Public Relations Committee is offering a new contest for the upcoming year, with a deadline of October 1, 2025. It’s easy to participate. Let's take a peek:

NEW CONTEST: Celebrate a Grange Milestone

Whether your Grange has an upcoming milestone year ending in a 0 or 5 – or any year in between – don’t let an anniversary milestone pass by without honoring the organization. This is a great opportunity to highlight your Grange’s achievements, raise awareness of your Grange’s mission, thank your members and community, and re- veal exciting updates about your future plans.

Other milestones your Grange can celebrate include the anniversary of the dedication of the Grange Hall, paying off the mortgage, honoring the date of reorganization, anniversary of the Grange’s Fair or Festival, recognition of a Grange historical event, honoring members who have passed, or even the birthday of a special member.

Submit a detailed written report on how your Grange celebrated their milestone, and how it was promoted. (It must be held within the contest year). The milestone celebrated is the choice of the Grange.

There will be three categories —

  1. Grange Anniversary Celebrations
  2. Grange Anniversary Programs
  3. Other Grange Milestones

Submissions should be detailed, and there is no length restriction. Photos, clippings, and social media and website screenshots are encouraged but not required. Submissions must include the Grange name and number, and the name, phone number and email of person submitting the entry.

Email your Grange’s submission to publicrelations@ctstategrange.org . You can also USPS mail the submission to Robert Charbonneau, 102 Spring Street, Meriden, CT 06451.  Deadline is October 1, 2025.


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