MARCH 10, 2025 -- Wishin’ you a wee bit of fun and a lot ‘o’ luck on St. Patrick’s Day from Simsbury Grange!
On Feb. 13 we held our monthly meeting at the Grange with new officers in place. Our new president, Susan Masino, shared a photo book she created with past photos of our building, people and events. This special book was presented to a local farm we support. Also, plans for our upcoming events were discussed.
March 3 - Music Monday featuring “A Thing Called Dave” with Dave Galt on guitar and vocals - Doors 6:30, music from 7:00-8:00pm.
March 13th - Monthly grange meeting at the grange - 7:00 pm.
March 30th - 3rd Annual Seed Swap upstairs for adults and a Lego Build for children on the lower level, 2:00-4:00pm. Students able to complete their creation may enter it in our June 14th fair. This is a very popular event. Don’t miss it.
April 4th - (Friday) The beaver films are back! The first of five 1 hour films centers on wildlife in the spring at a local beaver pond. Doors open at 6:00 pm for a social hour and the film is from 7:00-8:00 pm. Parking at the Farms Village Plaza behind the shops. See you there!
April 7th - Music Monday featuring Eddie Gautier aka Saintshouse, Singer, Songwriter, Storyteller - Doors open at 6:30pm, music at 7:00pm. Join us!
April 10th - Monthly grange meeting at the grange - 7:00pm.
April 27th - Food and Fun at the Grange - (rescheduled from 2/23) featuring Amoroso’s Pizzeria - Cooking Demo and tasting. Register through the Simsbury Public Library’s Calendar of Events and Join us from 6:00-7:30pm.
Simsbury Grange Presents: Our 3rd Annual Seed Swap on Sunday, March 30th from 2:00-4:00 PM. 236 Farms Village Rd. West Simsbury 06092. Parking - Farms Village Plaza - Behind the Shops