September 12, 2021 -- Sept.15: Childhood Obesity Awareness
Sept. 25: Celebrating Ag exhibit
We continue to hold regular meetings. In July our program was America and we answered questions that are used for persons who want to become American citizens. This was very eye opening to us as we had to think hard to remember the information we learned in school. We continue to have the knitting, crocheting and quilting sessions for the community. We are excited to see that the sunflowers we planted are doing well. On August 4 we held a special evening program to honor the winner of our Helena B. Duffy Memorial Scholarship. Timothy Billings a graduate from the Woodstock Academy was presented the $1000 check . He will be attending Nichols college to study accounting. He spoke of his interest in baseball and football that he played all four years in high school as well as his part time job and his family.
On August 14 we held a Farmers Breakfast and served 81. This was held on in conjunction with the Locally Grown Woodstock day. On that day we also held our annual Grange Fair with 21 exhibitors and
117 entries. These exhibits were judged by the three selectmen in our town as well as the town Finance Director. It was good to have them see what the Grange does.
We will be having an exhibit at the Woodstock Fair as well as the Annual Celebrating Ag event in town. These will help us to show what is going on in our Grange as well as the state and national Granges.
Our reusable bag project is going well. We are making them from bird seed and other seed bags.
It is great to see so many in the community getting to know what we are doing.
We will be honoring our long-time members at our meeting on October 20. Invitations are being sent to those who will be receiving the awards. We hope that they are able to join us to celebrate together. We are looking forward to the new Grange year.