April 7, 2020 -- Our April schedule is: April 10th- the program is “Peter Cotton Tail” in the charge of Joanne Cipriano. Joann Muscillo and Pat Fischer will be in charge of refreshments. April 18th is “Open Mic” Ron Fischer is in charge. Time 2 to 5. April 15th is clean-up day- we meet at 1 o’clock. We could always use more help.
As I have been reporting, our hall needs new windows in the lower hall and a new roof. We have replaced 5 windows with funds from our treasury and have received donations of 5 more thanks to Kim Tompkins and the Brush Family, Lee and Frank Behlman, Pat Bisson and Rachael and Michael Bisson.
We met last night and have received additional donations from William and Ellen Brush, Barbara Kirk, Joan Reed, Terri Tully and Lois Anderson. We are most appreciative.
As I have also been bragging about our excellent attendance, the Coronavirus didn’t help our attendance at our meeting last night. Stay well members. Hope to see you all soon.
We will have a bake sale at WalMart on Saturday, May 2. All donations of bakery items will be appreciated.