APRIL 2, 2015 -- Regular meeting – our St. Pauly Clothes Collection is doing well and we receive a goodly check from them. Not a lot of effort for the returns. A successful spaghetti supper was held on Sat., Feb. 28 and a good crowd for the bluegrass concert later that evening. Upcoming breakfast on Sat., Mar. 7th. These seem to be popular now that people know about them.
Apr. 19th- will be our 125th anniversary party and our regular meeting on Apr. 20. This is when all of the details of the party will be discussed. Our inspection will be in April as well.
We will have a tag sale on May 9- or white elephant sale—whatever people call them. Donations for sale will be accepted on the 5th, 6th, or 7th at the Grange Hall and some members of the Grange will be there to help.
In the coming summer activities, the Grange will be participating in the Tomato Festival usually held in Davis Park in Danielson. Look for ads in the local paper. The Grangers enjoyed this activity as it was a lot of fun. You might get to meet a favorite politician.
If all this snow starts to melt at once make sure you have your life jacket ready.
Join us for our 125th anniversary celebration on Sunday, April 19th from 2-4 P.M. Entertainment, refreshments, fellowship. It’s a party. Let’s celebrate!!
Apr. 4: 125th Anniversary (to be celebrated on Sunday, Apr. 19th)
Apr. 20: TBA- probably detail of the 125th Anniv. Party
May 4: Memorial Tribute |