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Around The Grange
Manchester Grange November News Update

By Leona Wilson

  NOVEMBER 2, 2014 --

Manchester Grange's November 4th meeting will be an Open House.  We are hoping to have a good turnout. On November 7th our Grange will travel to Vernon Grange and put on the program for them. This program will be presented by Sister Maryanne.  We will learn  about “Thanksgiving Fare and Fun”  on November 18 in charge of Sister Lois. 

December 2nd  we will “ Visit the Zoo.”  We are once again saddened by the passing of one of our long time members, Allen Ward.  Brother Allen worked hard for our grange for as long as he was able doing what ever needed to be done.


Nov. 4:  Remember When – Open House

Nov. 7:  Neighbor Exchange at Vernon

Nov. 18:  Thanksgiving Fare and Fun

Dec. 2:  Visit to the Zoo


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