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Around The Grange
Past Masters to meet April 9

By Joanne Cipriano

  APRIL 3, 2011 --

Past Masters of Southwestern Connecticut is looking for new members.  Grange Masters, past and present, and their wives, are urged to join.  But, did you know, you can also join even if you haven’t been a Master?

Our meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of each month with a potluck dinner at 6:30 P.M., followed by a short business meeting at 8 P.M.  We finish the evening with a program which varies each month but is sure to please.  The atmosphere of the evening is more social in nature than regular Grange meetings- so why not join us?

We are looking for other Granges to host our meetings.  If you are interested, contact current President Randy Miller at 203-979-9934 as soon as possible for we will be writing up our new schedule soon for the 2011-2012 year.  Our remaining meeting will be on April 9 at Southington Grange.


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