MAY 5, 2008 -- The Watertown Grange No. 122 Inc. numbers 39 members and does not have a very big operating budget.
Yet the organization does what it can to help area charities. For the third straight year, the Greater Waterbury Campership Fund has received a donation from the group, this time a $75 contribution.
"We raised it up a little bit this year," said Mary Dubaym the Grange chaplain. "We'll try to raise it up again next year."
Dubay said she thinks the first contribution was about $25.
The campership fund gives underprivileged children ages 7 to 13 from 10 area communities the opportunity to attend camp. Many of the youngsters come from urban areas and may never have experienced carefree summertime fun at a camp, where they earn useful life skills taught by caring counselors.
The fund hopes to attract as many as 600 eligible campers this year and has set a fundraising goal of $120,000, an increase of $10,000 over 2007. Contributions last week reached $42,633, which is about 11 percent behind the $47,203 received by June 1, 2007.
The bulk of the donations average $100 or less and come from individuals, small businesses, school and civic groups and different organizations from throughout the region. They generally are made in appreciation for a past kindness or service, in memory of a loved one, or as a civic project or workplace initiative.
Applications for prospective campers are available through June 2. They are at the United Way of Greater Waterbury office, third floor, 60 North Main St. in Waterbury on weekdays only, and at the Waterbury YMCA, 136 West Main St., weekdays and weekends. For information, call the United Way at (203) 757-9855, or visit
Children from Bethlehem, Cheshire, Middlebury, Prospect, Southbury, Thomaston, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott and Woodbury are eligible to apply. A camper's eligibility will be determined by residence and financial need. Preference is given to first-time applicants.
United Way reported 583 applications have been received, and 234 have been processed and cleared so far.
All donations to the fund are tax deductible.