November 1, 2019 -- I hope you all enjoyed State Session. My favorite part is visiting with people I haven’t seen in the past year. We have a lot of dedicated Lecturers in our State. I always enjoy honoring them at our banquet. Here is a complete list of the awards handed out Friday night…
Complete Program
“It Happened in the USA” 1- Susan Pianka, No. Stonington 2- Beacon Valley Grange, 3- Cheri Robinson, Vernon
Essay Contest “My Grange” 1 - Lois Evankow, Lyme 2-Joanne Cipriano, Beacon Valley 3- Cheri Robinson, Vernon
Lecturer Appreciation Awards Barbara Kulisch, Cheshire Linea Erickson, Cawasa
Helena Schwalm, Whigville Cherie Robinson, Vernon Marcia Garland-Miller, Coventry Jaimie Cameron, Ekonk
Carol Knutson, Taghhannuck Robert Buck, Bethlehem Susan Pianka, No. Stonington Lois Evankow, Lyme
Enfield Grange Lila Cleveland, Stonington Raine Pederson, Riverton Nancy Swanson, Hemlock Robert Buck, Oxford
Should Auld Acquaintance
Cheshire, Glastonbury, Vernon, Coventry, No. Stonington, Prospect and Lyme
“A Word From Home”
Cheshire, Glastonbury, Vernon, Coventry and Lyme
If your Grange is one of the ones listed, please thank the person responsible. If it is not listed, why not offer to help your Lecturer or head up one of the other project this year. Remember, you do not have to be a Lecturer to participate.