NOVEMBER 8, 2013 -- It was great to see so many of you at State Session. Our Lecturers did wonders this last year putting on some fantastic programs and accomplishing so much good work in the name of the Grange. Lecturers have a hard, never-ending job. If your Lecturer came home with rewards, please thank them for the good work. If not, ask yourself what you can do to help. This is a new Grange year and everyone gets a new start. Think ahead. This time next year your Grange could be a winner too.
Winners for 2013 are as follows:
Lecturer’s Appreciation Awards
Marge Bernhardt, Cheshire #23
Ann Gilnack, Glastonbury #26
Linea Erickson, Cawasa #34
D. Emily Alexander, North Haven #35
Debby Perry, Senexet #40
Helena Schwalm, Whigville #48
Joyce Jordan, Tolland #51
Ramona Fassio, Winchester #74
P. Joan Toomey, Colchester #78
Helene Forrest, Hillstown #87
Clifford M. Gervais, Ekonk #89
Evelyn Urda, Ashford #90
Bill Kroeger, Taghhannuck #100
Cindy Legg, Beacon Valley #103
Eleanor Davis, Killingly #112
Robert A. Buck, Bethlehem #121
Susan Pianka, North Stonington #138
Francis Maxwell, Prospect #144
Lois Evankow, Lyme #147
Irene Percoski, Enfield #151
Barbara Kulisch, Old Lyme #162
Lila Cleveland, Lyme #168
Shirley Moore, Riverton #169
Nancy McBrien, Hemlock #182
Redding Grange #15
Vernon Grange #52
Honor Lecturer Awards
Marge Bernhardt, Cheshire #23
D. Emily Alexander, North Haven #35
Clifford Gervais, Ekonk #89
Eleanor Davis, Killingly #112
Lois Evankow, Lyme #147
Should Auld Acquaintance
Cheshire #23
Glastonbury #26
North Haven #35
Colchester #78
Beacon Valley #103
Killingly #112
North Stonington #138
Prospect #144
Lyme #147
Old Lyme #162
Hemlock #182
A Word From Home
Cheshire #23
North Haven #35
Winchester #74
Ekonk #89
Killingly #112
North Stonington #138
Prospect #144
Lyme #147
Hemlock #182
Essay Contest
1- Joe Ouimet, Wolcott #173
2- Susan Gray, Ekonk #89
3- D. Emily Alexander, North Haven #35
Complete Program
1- Susan Pianka, North Stonington #138
2- Shirley Moore, Riverton #169
3- Cliffford Gervaos, Ekonk #89 |